‘Dear Sirs / Herewith I have the honour to submit to the esteemed committee the title “Shooting Star” for a composition – to be precise a quick polka – for the Hesperus Ball.’ This brief announcement was sent by Jetty Strauss to Hesperus, an association of actors and musicians, and the letter was signed ‘Yours faithfully’ by her husband Johann. The date for the Hesperus Ball had already been advertised as 16 February in the Wiener Zeitung, a Vienna daily, on 10 January 1868. Jetty’s letter is undated.
Hesperos – the evening star of Greek mythology – is the planet Venus, seen sometimes in the evening, sometimes in the early morning (Hesperus had a sister society named Aurora). So how did the polka get the title “Shooting Star”? On the evening of 30 January 1868 a meteor was observed in towns to the north of Vienna. It must have been an impressive event, as from 1 February it was reported in many newspapers, both in Austria and abroad, ‘The phenomenon, a ball of blue flame […] disappeared with a crash like thunder’ (Neue Freie Presse, 1 February); ‘The luminous phenomenon was one of splendour and magnificence […] a meteor moving slowly forward in an easterly direction […] The speed of the luminous body increased unusually rapidly and with it the phenomenon grew bigger […] almost the diameter of the sun […].’ (Neue Freie Presse, 3 February).
This means that Jetty’s letter was written at the beginning of February 1868, not earlier, but not later either, because from 6 February there were already announcements that Johann Strauss was preparing a quick polka with the title “Shooting Star” for the Hesperus Ball. He thus had ten days to complete a composition which is orchestrated so as illustrate in music dazzling flashes of light and thunder.
Johann Strauss II. Thunder and Lightning op. 324 © by WJSO-Archive
Friday, 23. January 202619.30 o' clock Luzern / Kultur- und Kongresszentrum (KKL)
Concert in Luzern
Alfred Eschwé conductor
Program Johann Strauss II : Ouverture to «Die Fledermaus» Johann Strauss II : Anna Polka op. 117 Johann Strauss II : «Ach, wie so herrlich zu schaun», Walzerlied aus der Operette «Eine Nacht in Venedig» Johann Strauss II : Chit-Chat Polka op. 214 Johann Strauss II : «O habet acht», Lied der Saffi aus «Der Zigeunerbaron» Johann Strauss II : Eljen A Magyar! « Long Live the Magyar!» / Quick polka op. 332 Johann Strauss II : Tales from the Vienna Woods / Waltz op. 325 Break Franz Lehár : Overture to « Viennese Woman» Franz Lehár : «Freunde, das Leben ist lebenswert», Lied aus der Operette «Giuditta» Franz Lehár : Ball sirens / Waltz from «The Merry Widow» Franz Lehár : «Liebe, du Himmel auf Erden», Walzerlied aus der Operette «Paganini» Johann Strauss II : Thunder and Lightning / Quick polka op. 324 Franz Lehár : «Niemand liebt dich so wie ich», Duett aus der Operette «Paganini» Johann Strauss II : The Blue Danube / Waltz op. 314
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