The Swedish conductor Ola Rudner started his career as a high-profile violinist (he is a prize winner of the Paganini competition and was also assistant of the legendary Sandor Vègh) and concertmaster of various orchestras such as the Camerata Salzburg, the Volksopera Vienna and the Vienna Symphony Orchestra.1995 he founded the Philharmonia Wien. From 2001- 2003 he was Chief Conductor of the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra in Australia, followed 2003 -2006 by the Haydn Orchestra Bolzano. From September 2008 he will be Chiefconductor of Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen.Since 1997 Ola Rudner has conducted all the major australian orchestras: the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and the orchestras of Melbourne, Queensland, Tasmania, Adelaide and Perth . In Scandinavia he has conducted most of the orchestras including the Gothenburg Symphony Orhcestra, the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Oslo Philharmonic and the orchestras in Trondheim, Bergen, Aalborg, Malmö, Helsingborg etc.He also collaborated with orchestras like the Scottish Chamberorchestra, Vienna Chamberorchestra, Belgrade Philharmonic, Latvian National Philharmonic, , and many times with the Niederösterreichisches Tonkünstlerorchester.With Philharmonia Wien he performs annually at the Musikverein Wien, and has gone on tour to Japan, Poland, Yugoslavia, Austria and Turkey.He also has a long- term relationship with the Swedish Chamber Orchestra, with whom he has recorded 3 CD’s for BIS with works by British composer Sally Beamish. In 2005 Beamish’s Viola Concerto was recorded with soloist Tabea Zimmermann as part of the 3rd CD.Ola Rudner is also an important opera conductor. Since many years he conducts at the Volksoper Wien and is regularly invited to the opera houses of Australia, Austria and Italy. His repertoire includes Mozart’s Magic Flute, Così, Figaro, Titus and Idomeneo, Beethoven’s Fidelio, Carmen and Verdi’s Il Trovatore and La Traviata. Operettas by Offenbach, Strauss, Lehar and Kalman. In February 2007 he conducted Carmen in Salzburg with great success and was immediately invited back to conduct Don Pasquale in 2008.Highlights of the past seasons have been his debuts with the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, RAI Torino, Orchestra Fondazione Arena di Verona, the Slovenian Philharmonic, Luxembourg Philharmonic, the SWR- Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart, Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Orchestra del Teatro la Fenice, Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma, Warsaw Philharmonic and Teatro Nacional de Sao Carlos Lissabon.Upcoming projects include concerts with Bremen Philharmonic, Orchestra Filarmonica di Bologna, Orchestra del Teatro Lirico di Cagliari, Orchestra del Teatro V.Bellini di Catania, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Polish National Radio Orchestra, Württembergische Philharmonie, Tiroler Landesorchester, Vienna Symphony Orchestra and returning to La Fenice, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Latvian National Philharmonic, Haydn Orchestra and the Tasmanian and Melbourne Symphony Orchestras.Following the tremendous succéss in Moskow with the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra in 2005, he returned to Russia 2006. In 2007 follows another Russian tour and 2008 he will tour Japan.Apart from BIS he has recorded for Harmonia Mundi, Australian label ABC Classics, Camerata Tokyo, Amadeus, Venice Channel (DVD – HD). Next season he will record for Decca. Quelle:
金曜日, 12月 22 200620.00 Uhr マドリード ⁄ テアトロ・レアル
Ola Rudner 指揮者
Programm フランツ フォン・スッペ : Ouverture to «Mozart, an artist's life» ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・ モーツァルト : Five Contredances ヨーゼフ・ ランナー : Die Mozartisten / Walzer op. 196 ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・ モーツァルト : Six german dances ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : 芸術家のカドリーユ op. 71 ヨハン・ シュトラウス1世 : カチューシャ・ギャロップ op. 97 Pause ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : 序曲/喜歌劇「ジプシー男爵」 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ「クラップフェンの森で」 op. 336 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ・シュネル「さぁ、行こう!」 op. 383 ヨーゼフ シュトラウス : ワルツ『天体の音楽 op. 235 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : 新ピチカート・ポルカ op. 449 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ「浮気心」 op. 319 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ワルツ「美しく青きドナウ op. 314 Zugabe ヨーゼフ シュトラウス : ポルカ・シュネル『騎手』 op. 278 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ「雷鳴と電光」 op. 324 ヨハン・ シュトラウス1世 : ため息ギャロップ op. 9 ヨハン・ シュトラウス1世 : ラデツキー行進曲 op. 228
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