It was in late summer of 1858, as the concert season in Pavlovsk near St Petersburg was drawing to its close — and Johann Strauss II had still not signed the contract with the management of the Tsarskoye-Selo Railway Company for a further season in Pavlovsk, that Johann Strauss II and his Pavlovsk Strauss Orchestra gave the first performance of a waltz he had written that summer at a Grand Music Festival, his fourth and last benefit concert of that season, in the Vauxhall pleasure gardens in Pavlovsk on 24 August 1858 by the Julian calendar in use in Russia at that time. The waltz was entitled Mes adieux à Pétersbourg; the contract for the concert season in Pavlovsk in 1859 was probably not signed until the autumn of 1858. The first performance of the waltz in Vienna, now with the title Abschied von St. Petersburg, took place at the first concert which Strauss gave after his return from Pavlovsk, in the Volksgarten establishment on 21 November 1858. He conducted the Strauss Orchestra himself and also performed three more new pieces he had brought with him from Russia: the Champagner-Polka, op. 211, the Fürst Bariatinsky-Marsch, op. 212, and the Bonbon-Polka, op.213. The introduction to the waltz Abschied von St. Petersburg begins with a long solo for the cello. This is not a matter of chance: Grand Duke Constantin Nikolaievich, a brother of Tsar Alexander II, was an amateur musician and himself a keen cellist. He was one of the many admirers of Johann Strauss II and was a frequent visitor to his concerts. The cello solo is thus a respectful and courteous gesture by Strauss towards the Grand Duke.
Johann Strauss II. Farewell to Saint Petersburg / Waltz op. 210 © by WJSO-Archive
金曜日, 10月 26 201811.00 Uhr ウイーン ⁄ 楽友協会大ホール
Fall Concert at Vienna Musikverein
ヨハネス・ ヴィルトナー 指揮者
Programm ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : 喜歌劇「こうもり」序曲 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ・シュネル「突進」 op. 348 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : 女性賛美 op. 315 ヨーゼフ シュトラウス : うわごと op. 212 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ『急行列車』/ ポルカ・シュネル op. 311 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : 「我が家で」 op. 361 Pause ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : 山賊のギャロップ op. 378 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ワルツ『ペテルブルグとの別れ』 op. 210 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : エジプト行進曲 op. 335 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : 「騎士パズマン」のチャルダッシュ op. 441 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ「クラップフェンの森で」 op. 336 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : 狩り op. 373 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ワルツ「美しく青きドナウ op. 314
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