For his honeymoon with his second wife Angelika (Lili to those who knew her well) in the summer of 1878, Johann Strauss chose Wyk, a small seaside resort on the south coast of the North Frisian island of Föhr in Germany. The newly married couple must have liked the place, because they also spent their summer holidays there in the following year. During these summer stays Strauss found the time and the inspiration to record his many different impressions in landscapes and caricatures which he drew himself. Moreover, the new surroundings in which he found himself inspired him to compose a concert waltz which can almost be described as programme music: it was published under the title Nordseebilder. It is above all in the long introduction and the coda that the evocation of the Nordic atmosphere can be heard. They are characterized by symphonic features and tone painting, and are certainly comparable with the symphonic poems of a Franz Liszt or a Richard Strauss. A shortened version of the coda for performance as a dance was included in the edition of orchestral parts, as symphonic music is not suitable for dancing to. The highly imaginative illustration on the title page of the piano edition published in Hamburg by August Cranz shows a decidedly picturesque scene far from the reality of Föhr: sailors and local people are dancing on the seashore in a merry mood to the music of a fiddler and a bagpiper. The pale light from an enormous lighthouse illuminates the rather gloomy scene. Dark clouds hang over a bay surrounded by rugged mountains. A boat with its sails blown full by the wind and a paddle steamer ploughing the waves in the distance round off the visual impression. The first performance of the waltz Nordseebilder was given by Johann’s brother Eduard at his concert in the Golden Hall of the Musikverein in Vienna on 12 November 1879. The Strauss Orchestra played, with Eduard conducting.
日曜日, 10月 19 201411.00 Uhr ウイーン ⁄ 楽友協会大ホール
Fall Concert at Vienna Musikverein
アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者
Programm ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : Overture to «The Queen’s Lace Handkerchief» ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ『愛の使者』 op. 317 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ『急行列車』/ ポルカ・シュネル op. 311 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ワルツ『ジャーナリスト』 op. 321 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ・マズルカ「町と田舎」 op. 322 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ「浮気心」 op. 319 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ワルツ『ペテルブルグとの別れ』 op. 210 Pause フランツ フォン・スッペ : Overture to «Light Cavalry» ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : 「北海の絵」 op. 390 Hans Christian Lumbye : Copenhagen Railway Steam Gallop ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : 天国と地獄のカドリーユ op. 236 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : エジプト行進曲 op. 335 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ「ハンガリー万歳! op. 332 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ワルツ「もろびと手をとり」 op. 443
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Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Vienna
Vienna Culture
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