Professor Franz Bauer-Theussl attended secondary school after mandatory primary education, and studied at the Vienna Academy of Music from 1943 to 1949. While there he achieved excellent results in the State piano examinations, and subsequently won international prizes in Geneva amd Llangollen. He qualified as a conductor under his teacher Clemens Krauss. As an assistant to Professor Ferdinand Grossmann., he made numerous tours with the Academy Chamber Choir to Germany, Switzerland, France, England, and Scandinavia. Professor Bauer-Theussl then became conductor to the Municipal Theater at Baden bei Wien, and was engaged at the Salzburg Provincial Theatre from 1953 to 1957. During this period he was also an assistant director at the Salzburg Festivals under Clemens Kraus, Karl Böhm, Bruno Walter, and Dimitri Mitropoulos. From 1957 he was engaged at the Vienna Volksoper, and since then has conducted some 2,500 performances. Between 1960 and 1964 he was also the General Director of Music in Amsterdam, and also co-operated in numerous productions at the Bregenz festivals. Professor Bauer-Theussl was also instrumental in assisting the foundation of the Mörbisch Lake Festivals, was the first conductor there, and between 1961 and 1964 was engaged as the Chief Conductor of the Vienna Beethoven Association, as well as being guest conductor at the State Opera in Hamburg, Amsterdam, Monte Carlo, Paris, Aix-en-Provence, Ghent, Brussels, London, Tokyo, Osaka and many other venues. Mention should also be made of his involvement in festival convert performances at the Vienna Town Hall and the Academy concerts; and add to this many recordings in which he has also repeatedly featured as a pianist . Professor Bauer-Theussl is a conductor who is equally popular with the public at the Vienna Volksoper as well as with the management. His comprehensive artistic creative ability qualifies him as an outstandingly fine opera conductor and interpreter of the Vienna operettas. Professor Franz Bauer-Theussl is regarded today as one of the most important "Ambassadors of music of Vienna" both home and abroad. Awards Professorship 23.4.1969 Golden Honour Award for services to the Federal Province of Lower Austia, 30.5.1972 Golden Honour Award for services to the Republic of Austria, 17.6.1974 Golden Honour Award of Province of Burgenland Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Culture, First Class, 11.7.1979 Grand Honour Award for services to the Federal Province of Lower Austria, 27.5.1986
土曜日, 5月 27 199518.00 Uhr リオデジャネイロ ⁄ オープンエアステージイパネマビーチ
Ceremony in Rio de Janeiro
Franz Bauer-Theussl 指揮者
In Rio de Janeiro wurde dem Orchester eine ganz besondere Ehre zuteil. In einer großen Zeremonie am Corcovado wurde dem Orchester durch den Bürgermeister der Goldenen Schlüssel der Stadt Rio de Janeiro überreicht. Und natürlich wäre diese Ehrung auch im Fernsehen gezeigt worden. Aber da spielte ausnahmsweise der Wettergott nicht mit. Immer herrschte strahlendes Wetter, aber gerade und nur an diesem Vormittag regnete es. So musste die große Zeremonie entfallen. Aber der Goldene Schlüssel der Stadt Rio wurde dem Orchester doch überreicht, aber eben nicht mit so großem Zeremoniell. Selbstverständlich ist das Orchester sehr stolz auf diese sicher sehr seltene "Trophäe". Quelle: Manuskripft Dr. Helmut Zöpfl
リオデジャネイロ ⁄ オープンエアステージイパネマビーチ Playa de Ipanema Ipanema 22411-003 リオデジャネイロ ブラジル Website Show Map