Ever since his début in October 1844, almost a quarter of a century before he arranged this quick polka, Johann Strauss II had built up an extraordinarily good reputation as a composer of dance music — both at home and abroad. It was not until the fifth decade of his life that he turned to the then modern genre of operetta. Any number of anecdotes surround his decision to go for success as a composer of operetta in the late 1860s and early 1870s. Most of these stories have no basis at all in reality. What is generally left unmentioned is that one of Strauss’s motives had to be to ensure a respectable income to be able to keep up the standard of living to which his wife and other members of the extended Strauss family were accustomed. He was no longer engaged to perform in Russia, while during the 1860s in Vienna the military bands, with their cheap but excellent musicians, had come to be serious competitors for the Strauss Orchestra. Looking at the great success of Jacques Offenbach’s operettas in Vienna, Strauss realised that there was good money to be earned in the field of musical entertainment in the theatre, especially as the melodies of an operetta could also be recycled and sold as dances. Strauss had, however, at that time had no experience of setting words to music, let alone of putting their content into music. It was a happy chance that an experienced theatre conductor and stage composer in the person of Richard Genée could be found to assist Johann Strauss II with the composition of his first nine operettas, providing advice and above all practical help. Finally, on 10 February 1871, Strauss’s first operetta, Indigo und die vierzig Räuber (Indigo and the Forty Thieves), had its premiere in the Theater an der Wien.
Johann Strauss II. : On the Double / Polka schnell op. 348 © by «Kulturverein Wiener Blut»
月曜日, 10月 26 201511.00 Uhr ウイーン ⁄ 楽友協会大ホール
Fall Concert at Vienna Musikverein
ヨハネス・ ヴィルトナー 指揮者
Programm ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : 喜歌劇「こうもり」序曲 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ・シュネル「突進」 op. 348 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ワルツ「レモンの花咲くところ」 op. 364 ヨーゼフ シュトラウス : ポルカ・マズルカ「とんぼ」 op. 204 ヨーゼフ シュトラウス : For ever / Quick polka op. 193 ヨーゼフ シュトラウス : ワルツ『天体の音楽 op. 235 Pause フランツ フォン・スッペ : 序曲 «山賊の仕業» ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : 「我が家で」 op. 361 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : メロディーエン・カドリーユ op. 112 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ「クラップフェンの森で」 op. 336 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ・シュネル「観光列車 op. 281 ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ワルツ「美しく青きドナウ op. 314 Zugabe ヨハン・ シュトラウス2世 : ポルカ・シュネル「さぁ、行こう!」 op. 383 ヨーゼフ シュトラウス : ポルカ「憂いもなく」 op. 271 ヨハン・ シュトラウス1世 : ラデツキー行進曲 op. 228
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Dieses Konzert wurde ermöglicht durch die freundliche Unterstützung von:
Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Wien
Vienna Culture
Thomastik Infeld Vienna
Hotel Imperial Vienna