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CD | Happy Birthday Johann Strauss | WJSO-022 (Only available digitally)

ヨハネス・ ヴィルトナー 指揮者

Published on 31.12.2024

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CD | Bahn frei! | WJSO-021 (Only available digitally)

Rudolf Streicher 指揮者

Published on 27.06.2024

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CD | Gold und Silber - Live from Grafenegg | WJSO-020 (Only available digitally)

アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者

Released on 12/04/2024

Verdi called Johann Strauss II a ‘colleague and genius’, while Johannes Brahms admitted that of all his fellow composers he was ‘the only one I envy’. From the remotest parts of South America to the large concert halls of Japan, people in all parts of the world are still enthralled by the ‘fascination of Strauss’.

This live recorded album from the festive Auditorium in Grafenegg – recorded by the leading Strauss ensemble with an authentic orchestra of 42 musicians – provides proof that this music is as full of life and genius and as up to date as ever.

The present recording under the baton of Alfred Eschwé from September 2022 is a testament to the liveliness efforts, which was recorded LIVE at the Auditorium in Grafenegg.

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CD | Reiseabenteuer (Travel Adventures) | WJSO-019 (Only available digitally)

アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者

CD streaming: CLICK HERE

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CD | Jokey Polka | WJSO-018 (Only available digitally)

アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者

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CD | Wiener Frauen | WJSO-017 (Only available digitally)

ヴィリー・ ボスコフスキー 指揮者

Streaming services: 

➡️ Spotify:
➡️ Youtube:
➡️ Amazon: 
➡️ Deezer:
➡️ Tidal:

Verdi called Johann Strauss II a ‘colleague and genius’, while Johannes Brahms admitted that of all his fellow composers he was ‘the only one I envy’. From the remotest parts of South America to the large concert halls of Japan, people in all parts of the world are still enthralled by the ‘fascination of Strauss’.

This digital remastered album – recorded by the leading Strauss ensemble with an authentic orchestra of 42 musicians – provides proof that this music is as full of life and genius and as up to date as ever.

In addition to the newly released CDs, the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra has set itself the goal of maintaining historically valuable recordings with the most important conductors of the past 57 years. The present recording under the baton of Willi Boskovsky from the early 70s is a testament to the liveliness efforts, which was recorded in the Austrian Broadcasting Company.

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CD | Auf der Jagd | WJSO-016 (Only available digitally)

ヨハネス・ ヴィルトナー 指揮者


➡️ Spotify:
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CD | Sinngedichte - live in concert | WJSO-015 (Only available digitally)

アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者

Verdi called Johann Strauss II a ‘colleague and genius’, while Johannes Brahms admitted that of all his fellow composers he was ‘the only one I envy’. From the remotest parts of South America to the large concert halls of Japan, people in all parts of the world are still enthralled by the ‘fascination of Strauss’.   This new CD – recorded by the leading Strauss ensemble with an authentic orchestra of forty-two musicians – provides proof that this music is a testament to the liveliness, ingenuity and topicality that still exists. This live recording was made in May 1994 in the Vienna Musikverein's Golden Hall and forms a broad cross-section of the repertoire that the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra has been intensively cultivating since its foundation in 1966.  

With conductor Alfred Eschwé, an internationally recognized Strauss expert was on the podium of the orchestra, with whom he has worked for over 35 years.

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CD | Dorfschwalben | WJSO-014 (Only available digitally) 2021

Martin Sieghart 指揮者
ウォルター・ シュルツ ソロ·チェロ

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CD | Accellerationen | WJSO-013 (Only available digitally)

ヨハネス・ ヴィルトナー 指揮者

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CD | Viennese Bonbons - live from the Musikverein Vienna | WJSO-012 (デジタルでのみ利用可能)

アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者

Verdi called Johann Strauss II a ‘colleague and genius’, while Johannes Brahms admitted that of all his fellow composers he was ‘the only one I envy’. From the remotest parts of South America to the large concert halls of Japan, people in all parts of the world are still enthralled by the ‘fascination of Strauss’.   This new CD – recorded by the leading Strauss ensemble with an authentic orchestra of forty-two musicians – provides proof that this music is a testament to the liveliness, ingenuity and topicality that still exists. This live recording was made in May 2018 in the Vienna Musikverein's Golden Hall and forms a broad cross-section of the repertoire that the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra has been intensively cultivating since its foundation in 1966.  

With conductor Alfred Eschwé, an internationally recognized Strauss expert was on the podium of the orchestra, with whom he has worked for over 35 years.

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CD | Reiselust (Only available digitally)

Rudolf Streicher 指揮者

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CD | Locomotive Galop | WJSO-008(デジタルでのみ利用可能)

アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者

Verdi called Johann Strauss II a ‘colleague and genius’, while Johannes Brahms admitted that of all his fellow composers he was ‘the only one I envy’. From the remotest parts of South America to the large concert halls of Japan, people in all parts of the world are still enthralled by the ‘fascination of Strauss’.  This digital remastered album – recorded by the leading Strauss ensemble with an authentic orchestra of 42 musicians – provides proof that this music is as full of life and genius and as up to date as ever. In addition to the newly released CDs, the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra has set itself the goal of maintaining historically valuable recordings with the most important conductors of the past 53 years. The present recording from 1988 to 1990 is a testament to the liveliness efforts.

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CD | Jugendfeuer | WJSO-009(デジタルでのみ利用可能)

Walter Goldschmidt 指揮者

Verdi called Johann Strauss II a ‘colleague and genius’, while Johannes Brahms admitted that of all his fellow composers he was ‘the only one I envy’. From the remotest parts of South America to the large concert halls of Japan, people in all parts of the world are still enthralled by the ‘fascination of Strauss’.  This digital remastered album – recorded by the leading Strauss ensemble with an authentic orchestra of 42 musicians – provides proof that this music is as full of life and genius and as up to date as ever. In addition to the newly released CDs, the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra has set itself the goal of maintaining historically valuable recordings with the most important conductors of the past 55 years. The present recording from the 1970s is a testament to the liveliness efforts.

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CD | Manuscripte - Historical Recording | WJSO-010 (Only available digitally)

Franz Bauer-Theussl 指揮者

Verfügbar ab 3. September 2021.

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CD | Feuerfest | WJSO-07 (デジタルでのみ利用可能)

Rudolf Streicher 指揮者

Verdi called Johann Strauss II a ‘colleague and genius’, while Johannes Brahms admitted that of all his fellow composers he was ‘the only one I envy’. From the remotest parts of South America to the large concert halls of Japan, people in all parts of the world are still enthralled by the ‘fascination of Strauss’.  This digital remastered album – recorded by the leading Strauss ensemble with an authentic orchestra of 42 musicians – provides proof that this music is as full of life and genius and as up to date as ever. In addition to the newly released CDs, the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra has set itself the goal of maintaining historically valuable recordings with the most important conductors of the past 54 years. The present recording from 1991 is a testament to the liveliness efforts.

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CD | Flower Festival – Live from the Musikverein Vienna | WJSO-006 (デジタルでのみ利用可能)

アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者

Verdi called Johann Strauss II a ‘colleague and genius’, while Johannes Brahms admitted that of all his fellow composers he was ‘the only one I envy’. From the remotest parts of South America to the large concert halls of Japan, people in all parts of the world are still enthralled by the ‘fascination of Strauss’. This new CD – recorded by the leading Strauss ensemble with an authentic orchestra of forty-two musicians – provides proof that this music is as full of life and genius and as up to date as ever.

This live recording was made in the Golden Hall of the Vienna Musikverein in 2017 and presents a broad cross-section of the repertoire that the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra has been cultivating intensively since its foundation in 1966.

For this recording the conductor is Alfred Eschwé, an internationally recognised Strauss expert, who, together with the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra, has produced these outstanding and particularly authentic performances.

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CD | Illustrations | WJSO-005 デジタルでのみ利用可能

ヴィリー・ ボスコフスキー 指揮者

Verdi called Johann Strauss II a ‘colleague and genius’, while Johannes Brahms admitted that of all his fellow composers he was ‘the only one I envy’. From the remotest parts of South America to the large concert halls of Japan, people in all parts of the world are still enthralled by the ‘fascination of Strauss’.  
This digital remastered album – recorded by the leading Strauss ensemble with an authentic orchestra of 42 musicians – provides proof that this music is as full of life and genius and as up to date as ever. 
Conductor Willi Boskovsky was an internationally recognized Strauss expert at the podium of the orchestra, with whom he has worked for over 20 years.
In addition to the newly released CDs, the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra has set itself the goal of maintaining historically valuable recordings with the most important conductors of the past 50 years. The present recording from 1971 is a testament to the liveliness efforts.

Streaming CD
▶️ Spotify
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▶️ Deezer

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DVD | ウィーン・ヨハン・シュトラウス管弦楽団~再建50周年記念コンサート・ライヴ

アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者




● ヨハン・シュトラウス2世:喜歌劇『くるまば草』序曲
● ヨハン・シュトラウス2世:フランス風ポルカ『新しい人生』 op.278
● ヨハン・シュトラウス2世:ポルカ・シュネル『インドの舞姫』 op.351
● ヨゼフ・シュトラウス:ワルツ『オーストリアの村つばめ』 op.164
● ヨゼフ・シュトラウス:ポルカ・マズルカ『踊るミューズ』 op.266
● ヨゼフ・シュトラウス:ポルカ・シュネル『自転車』 op.259
● ヨゼフ・シュトラウス:ワルツ『トランスアクツィオン』 op.184
● ヨハン・シュトラウス2世:喜歌劇『ローマの謝肉祭』序曲
● ヨハン・シュトラウス2世:ワルツ『ウィーンの森の物語』 op.325
● ヨハン・シュトラウス2世:常動曲 op.257
● ヨハン・シュトラウス2世:マルタ・カドリール op.46
● ヨハン・シュトラウス2世:クリップ・クラップ・ギャロップ op.466
● ヨハン・シュトラウス2世:皇帝円舞曲 op.437
● ヨハン・シュトラウス2世:ポルカ『ハンガリー万歳!』 op.332
● ヨハン・シュトラウス1世:ラデツキー行進曲 op.228



画面:カラー、16:9、1080i HD
音声:PCMステレオ、DTS-HD MA 5.1
Region All


レーベル : C Major
色彩 : カラー
画面サイズ : ワイドスクリーン
リージョンコード : ALL
組み枚数 : 1

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DVD | A musical journey across Austria

ヨハネス・ ヴィルトナー 指揮者

The Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra can rightly claim to be one of the most authentic ensembles for interpreting the music of the Strauss dynasty. Founded in 1966 in Vienna, the aim of the new orchestra was to cultivate both the music of the Strauss dynasty, as well as so-called 'light' Viennese music. This festive concert from the Golden Hall of the Musikverein Vienna is a musical journey across Austria and includes beautiful footage of the Austrian landscape and famous historical monuments, as well as short introductions by the conductor Johannes Wildner. Enjoy the magic of the music of the Strauss family and the accompanying impressions of Austria.

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CD | 皇帝円舞曲 記念コンサート | WJSO-004

アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者

Verdi called Johann Strauss II a ‘colleague and genius’, while Johannes Brahms admitted that of all his fellow composers he was ‘the only one I envy’. From the remotest parts of South America to the large concert halls of Japan, people in all parts of the world are still enthralled by the ‘fascination of Strauss’. 

This new album – recorded by the leading Strauss ensemble with an authentic orchestra of 42 musicians – provides proof that this music is as full of life and genius and as up to date as ever. 

This live recording was made as part of the Jubilee Concert in the Golden Hall of the Vienna Musikverein on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the orchestra and presents a broad cross-section of the repertoire that the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra has been cultivating intensively since its foundation in 1966. 

For this recording the conductor is Alfred Eschwé, an internationally recognized Strauss expert, who, together with the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra, has produced these outstanding and particularly authentic performances. 

Immerse yourself in the musical world of the Strauss family and discover some carefully researched background information from the Strauss specialists at the Vienna City Library in the forty-eight-page booklet with numerous contemporary illustrations.

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CD | Allegro fantastique | WJSO-003

ヨハネス・ ヴィルトナー 指揮者

Verdi called Johann Strauss II a ‘colleague and genius’, while Johannes Brahms admitted that of all his fellow composers he was ‘the only one I envy’. From the remotest parts of South America to the large concert halls of Japan, people in all parts of the world are still enthralled by the ‘fascination of Strauss’. 

This new album – recorded by the leading Strauss ensemble with an authentic orchestra of 42 musicians – provides proof that this music is as full of life and genius and as up to date as ever. This album, which appears on the orchestra’s own newly founded label, is the first in a series of high-quality Strauss recordings which will appear regularly from now on. For this recording the conductor is Johannes Wildner, an internationally recognised Strauss expert, who, together with the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra, has produced these outstanding and particularly authentic performances. Immerse yourself in the musical world of the Strauss family and experience two Austrian premieres and first recordings of the rediscovered orchestral fantasies Peine du coeur and Allegro fantastique by Josef Strauss.

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Japan / 日本 
King Records

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CD | Les Strauss à Vienne

ヴィリー・ ボスコフスキー 指揮者

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CD | Strauss Family - Favourite Dances

ヨハネス・ ヴィルトナー 指揮者

内容紹介1.ヨハン・シュトラウスII世(1825-1899):歌劇「ジプシー男爵」序曲/2.ヨーゼフ・シュトラウス(1827-1870):ワルツ・ディナミーデン Op.173/3.ヨハン・シュトラウスII世:アンネン=ポルカ Op.174/4.ヨーゼフ・シュトラウス:ポルカ・シュネル「騎手」 Op.278/5.ヨハン・シュトラウスII世:ワルツ「ウィーンの森の物語」Op.325/6.ヨハン・シュトラウスII世:ポルカ「雷鳴と稲妻」 Op.324/7.ヨハン・シュトラウスII世:仮面舞踏会のカドリーユ Op.272/8.ヨーゼフ・シュトラウス:ポルカ「休暇旅行で!」Op.133/9.ヨハン・シュトラウスII世:ワルツ「美しき青きドナウ」Op.314/10.ヨハン・シュトラウスI世:ラデツキー行進曲 Op.228 ※…新ヨハン・シュトラウス全集校訂版を使用した演奏


録音 2012年4月2-3日 オーストリア ウィーン,Casino Zogernitz

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Great Britain

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CD | J. Strauss II - 19 Waltzes

ヴィリー・ ボスコフスキー 指揮者

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CD | J. Strauss II - Favourite Waltzes, Polkas & Marches

ヴィリー・ ボスコフスキー 指揮者



Great Britain 

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CD | Kaiserwalzer: Best Loved Strauss Waltzes

ヴィリー・ ボスコフスキー 指揮者

Replendent ballrooms, glittering chandeliers, festive robes and couples swirling across the dance floor: no other music exudes the splendour of Imperial Vienna in the days of the Double Monarchy like that of "waltz king" Johann Strauss II. 
Let his finest melodies carry you away to a grand ball!

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CD | The Strauss family - Waltzes, Polkas

ヴィリー・ ボスコフスキー 指揮者

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Great Britain



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CD | ワルツ『酒、女、歌』

Martin Sieghart 指揮者
ウォルター・ シュルツ ソロ·チェロ

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CD | Johann Strauss II - Champagner-Polka: Best Loved Polkas

ヴィリー・ ボスコフスキー 指揮者

Champagne, danicing and high spirits! The polka fascinated even the "walz king". The swirling, revolving dance in 2/4 time was danced as the boisterous highlight of sparkling parties – and inspired Johann Strauss II to compose some of his most captivating musical ideas!

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© by Emi Classics / Warner Classics

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CD | ワルツ『ウィーンの森の物語』

Martin Sieghart 指揮者
ウォルター・ シュルツ ソロ·チェロ

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CD | 「人生を楽しもう」 | WJSO-001

アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者

Verdi called Johann Strauss II a ‘colleague and genius’, while Johannes Brahms admitted that of all his fellow composers he was ‘the only one I envy’. From the remotest parts of South America to the large concert halls of Japan, people in all parts of the world are still enthralled by the ‘fascination of Strauss’. 

This new album – recorded by the leading Strauss ensemble with an authentic orchestra of 42 musicians – provides proof that this music is as full of life and genius and as up to date as ever. 

This release, which appears on the orchestra’s own newly founded label, is the first in a series of high-quality Strauss recordings which will appear regularly from now on. 

For this recording the conductor is Alfred Eschwé, an internationally recognized Strauss expert, who, together with the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra, has produced these outstanding and particularly authentic performances. 

Immerse yourself in a musical world that extends from Suppè’s overture to his operetta Pique Dame to Strauss’s waltz Farewell to St Petersburg and discover some carefully researched background information from the Strauss specialists at the Vienna City Library in the forty-page booklet with numerous contemporary illustrations.

Streaming CD 

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Japan / 日本
King Records 

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CD | ワルツ「もろびと手を取り」 | WJSO-002

ヨハネス・ ヴィルトナー 指揮者

Verdi called Johann Strauss II a ‘colleague and genius’, while Johannes Brahms admitted that of all his fellow composers he was ‘the only one I envy’. From the remotest parts of South America to the large concert hall in Tokyo, people in all parts of the world are still enthralled by the ‘fascination of Strauss’. 

This new album – recorded by the leading Strauss ensemble with an authentic orchestra of 42 musicians – provides proof that this music is as full of life and genius and as up to date as ever. 

This new album, which appears on the orchestra’s own newly founded label, lays the foundation for a series of high-quality Strauss recordings which will appear regularly from now on. 

For this recording the conductor is Johann Wildner, an internationally recognized Strauss specialist. Immerse yourself in a musical world that extends from Strauss’s overture to his operetta Waldmeister to the waltz Be Embraced Ye Millions! and discover some carefully researched background information from the Strauss specialists at the Vienna City Library in the forty-page booklet with numerous contemporary illustrations.

Streaming CD

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Japan / 日本
King Records

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CD | Lehár: Waltzes

ヴィリー・ ボスコフスキー 指揮者

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CD | 『蜃気楼』- エディション 10

アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者

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CD | ワルツ『南国のバラ』

Martin Sieghart 指揮者
ウォルター・ シュルツ ソロ·チェロ

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CD | ワルツ『ウィーンの女たち』- エディション 9

ヴィリー・ ボスコフスキー 指揮者

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CD | イラストレーション - エディション 8

ヴィリー・ ボスコフスキー 指揮者

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CD | ワルツ『市庁舎舞踏会』 - エディション 7

Rudolf Streicher 指揮者

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CD | Künstlerleben live in concert - エディション 6

アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者

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CD | Im Fluge - エディション 5

Rudolf Streicher 指揮者

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CD | 写本 - エディション 4

Franz Bauer-Theussl 指揮者

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CD | ワルツ『格言詩』- エディション 2

アルフレッド・ エシュヴェ 指揮者

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